National Accounting Olympiad (NAO) Junior is making its debut at GMAD 2023, aiming to discover young accounting talents, especially among high school students or their equivalent. NAO Junior consists of a series of tests that will be packaged in a competition system that is both enjoyable and challenging for the participants. As part of the Gadjah Mada Accounting Days, NAO Junior comprises four rounds: Online Preliminary, Quarter Final, Semifinal, and Final, which require knowledge, teamwork, and strategic thinking from the participants. NAO Junior is ready to provide an exciting competition and an unforgettable experience!
This refers to the role of accountants in facing the challenges and opportunities of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in the digital era of sustainability. Its aim is to educate and enhance participants' understanding of the accountant's role in managing and reporting financial information relevant to environmental, social, and corporate governance issues.
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